Copying your Database

Sometimes, it can be useful to create a copy of your database. Some use-cases for such a copy are (but not limited to):

  • Conduct some testings.
  • Prepare a data migration.
  • Validate changes through a review app.
  • Build statistics or insights.

At Scalingo, we highly recommend using a dedicated database to achieve these tasks in the best conditions. Doing so not only drastically lowers the risks of data loss, but it also preserves your production database performances and ensures all the connection slots are actually used for production purposes.

Planning the Solution

We usually suggest the following strategy:

  1. Create a new application with a database addon of the same kind as the one used in production. This new app is only required to get another database running and to feed it on a regular basis, so don’t forget to make it web-less.
  2. From this new app, download the latest production database backup available. This can be done using the Scalingo CLI tool, an API token and a bit of Bash (see hereafter).
  3. Once downloaded, restore the backup to the new app’s database.
  4. If needed, run these tasks on a regular basis using the Scalingo Scheduler.

Scripting the Solution

Almost all the steps described above can be automated, thanks to the Scalingo CLI tool (and some Bash glue). Here is a basic example of what can be done:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


# Install the Scalingo CLI tool in the container:

# Install additional tools to interact with the database:
dbclient-fetcher "${DUPLICATE_ADDON_KIND}"

# Login to Scalingo, using the token stored in `DUPLICATE_API_TOKEN`:
scalingo login --api-token "${DUPLICATE_API_TOKEN}"

# Retrieve the addon id:
addon_id="$( scalingo --app "${DUPLICATE_SOURCE_APP}" addons \
             | grep "${DUPLICATE_ADDON_KIND}" \
             | cut -d "|" -f 3 \
             | tr -d " " )"

# Download the latest backup available for the specified addon:
scalingo --app "${DUPLICATE_SOURCE_APP}" --addon "${addon_id}" \
    backups-download --output "${archive_name}"

# Get the name of the backup file:
backup_file_name="$( tar --list --file="${archive_name}" \
                     | tail -n 1 \
                     | cut -d "/" -f 2 )"

# Extract the archive containing the downloaded backup:
tar --extract --verbose --file="${archive_name}" --directory="/app/"

# Restore the data:
#  Example with PostgreSQL:
#    pg_restore --clean --if-exists --no-owner --no-privileges --no-comments \
#        --dbname "${DATABASE_URL}" "/app/${backup_file_name}"

As you can see, this script would require 3 environment variables to be set:

  • DUPLICATE_API_TOKEN: an API token granting access to your account. It can be generated from your dashboard.
  • DUPLICATE_SOURCE_APP: the name of the source application, from where the backup will be retrieved.
  • DUPLICATE_ADDON_KIND: the database kind (see the dbclient-fetcher documentation for further help).

The last step of the script depends on the database you’re using. Please refer to our documentation for precise instructions and examples.

You will most probably need an empty file called index.php to trick the platform and make it believe you are deploying a PHP app. Without it, the platform won’t deploy your app.

In the end, you should have at least 3 files in your project directory:

  • An empty index.php.
  • A .sh file, containing your duplication script.
  • A cron.json file to schedule your duplication task.

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Copying your Database

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