Application External Testing
Testing my application that is running on Scalingo
Can I run a load test on my application that is running on Scalingo?
You can run a load test / smoke test / endurance test on your application under the following conditions:
- Ask the support using or use the support chat
- Your request should include the following information:
- The application name on Scalingo,
- The Scalingo region where the application is hosted,
- The source IPs of the requests,
- The target public URLs that will be used,
- Number of requests per minute,
- Size of the payload of each request,
- Time slot in which the load test is planned. Note that the test should only be run during business hours - 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 18:00 (CET/CEST, Europe/Paris timezone). The test must have a specific start and end time.
- Please include any information you think may be useful to assess your request.
- We will reply within 7 business days to give you the authorization or suggest you another time period
I want to have a pentest on my application that is running on Scalingo, what do I do?
A pentest (or intrusion test) is a professional service that you hire to find vulnerabilities in your application.
Such service offer is governed by an agreement which engages all three parties involved: the customer, the pentesting company and Scalingo. This document defines specifically the scope of the pentesting, its duration, and give several restrictions.
For example:
- Restriction to the application and databases of the user
- Should not disrupt the normal working of the platform
- No use of social engineering, physical intrusion…
Procedure to follow
- Send the authorization document (signed by the customer and the pentesting service provider) to the Security Team at the address
- We will reply within 7 business days to give you the authorization or suggest you another time period if there are already too many pentests scheduled at this date
- Let your service provider do the job
- If there are any items in the report that would be of interest to Scalingo, please send us the information so that we can act accordingly
Last update: 26 Jul 2024
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