Restore your Database Backup

If your database is in a paid plan (i.e. it’s not “free plan”), Scalingo makes automated backups of your database on a daily basis. During your application lifetime, you might feel the need to restore your database at a previous state. We will guide you through the different steps to download a specific backups and restore the database with its content.

Here are the instructions to download a backup in a one-off container:

$ scalingo --app my-app run bash
[10:30][osc-fr1] Scalingo:my-app ~ $ install-scalingo-cli
[10:30][osc-fr1] Scalingo:my-app ~ $ scalingo login
[10:30][osc-fr1] Scalingo:my-app ~ $ scalingo --app my-app addons
|   ADDON    |                   ID                    |        PLAN        | STATUS  |
| PostgreSQL | ad-32ef9060-d912-4a53-b2bb-6cf1bf333865 | postgresql-sandbox | running |
[10:30][osc-fr1] Scalingo:my-app ~ $ ADDON_UUID="ad-32ef9060-d912-4a53-b2bb-6cf1bf333865"
[10:30][osc-fr1] Scalingo:my-app ~ $ scalingo --app my-app --addon $ADDON_UUID backups-download

This downloads the last successful backup. In order to restore the downloaded backup, instructions are available in each database type page:

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Restore your Database Backup

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