Managing PHP Extensions

Applications might require native PHP extensions which are usually written in C. Consequently, they need to be compiled as shared libraries (.so files) to be used by PHP.

Some of them are pre-installed and shipped by default with the deployed version of PHP. Others are dynamically installed if specified in the project’s composer.json file.

Working With PHP Built-in Extensions

Available PHP Built-in Extensions

The following table lists the PHP built-in extensions we bundle with PHP and that are available on Scalingo.

  • Some are enabled by default and can’t be disabled. You don’t have to add them to your composer.json file to enable them (but you can).
    They are marked as Enabled in the following table.
  • Some others are disabled by default and can be enabled.
    They are marked as Optional in the following table.
  • Unavailable extensions are marked with a blank cell.
Extension PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3 PHP 8.4
ext-bcmath Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-bz2 Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-calendar Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-ctype Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-curl Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-date Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-dom Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-exif Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-fileinfo Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-filter Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-ftp Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-gd Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-gettext Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-gmp Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-hash Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-iconv Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-imap Optional Optional Optional  
ext-intl Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-json Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-libxml Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-mbstring Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-mysqli Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-mysqlnd Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-openssl Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-pcntl Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-pcre Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-pdo Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-pdo_mysql Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-pdo_pgsql Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-pdo_sqlite Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-pgsql Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-phar Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-posix Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-random   Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-readline Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-reflection Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-session Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-shmop Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-simplexml Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-soap Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-sockets Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-sodium Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-spl Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-sqlite3 Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-tidy Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-tokenizer Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-xml Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-xmlreader Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-xmlwriter Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-xsl Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-zend-opcache Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-zip Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-zlib Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Enabling a PHP Built-in Extension

To enable an optional PHP built-in extension, add its name to the require block of your composer.json file, like so:

  "require": {
    "ext-pdo_pgsql": "*",
    "ext-gettext": "*",

Adding a PHP Built-in Extension

To add a PHP built-in extension that is not available, please get in touch with our support team.

Working With PECL Extensions

Available PECL Extensions

The following table lists the PECL extensions that we pre-compile and make available on Scalingo.

  • Some are enabled by default and can’t be disabled. You don’t have to add them to your composer.json file to enable them (but you can).
    They are marked as Enabled in the following table.
  • Some others are disabled by default and can be enabled.
    They are marked as Optional in the following table.
  • Unavailable extensions are marked with a blank cell.
Extension PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3 PHP 8.4
ext-amqp Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-apcu Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-apfd Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-event Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-igbinary Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-imagick Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-memcached Optional Optional Optional Optional
ext-mongodb Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
ext-oci8   Optional Optional Optional
ext-redis Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled

Available Versions

The following table lists the supported versions of available PECL extensions:

Extension PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3 PHP 8.4
ext-amqp 2.1.2 2.1.2 2.1.2 2.1.2
ext-apcu 5.1.24 5.1.24 5.1.24 5.1.24
ext-apfd 1.0.3 1.0.3 1.0.3 1.0.3
ext-event 3.0.8 3.0.8 3.0.8 3.0.8
ext-igbinary 3.2.16 3.2.16 3.2.16 3.2.16
ext-imagick 3.7.0 3.7.0 3.7.0 3.7.0
ext-memcached 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0 3.3.0
ext-mongodb 1.21.0 1.21.0 1.21.0 1.21.0
ext-oci8   3.4.0 3.4.0 3.4.0
ext-redis 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 6.2.0

Enabling an Available PECL Extension

To enable an available PECL extension, add its name to the require block of your composer.json file, like so (notice the ext- prefix!):

  "require": {
    "ext-apcu": "*",
    "ext-igbinary": "*",

Adding a PECL Extension

If the PECL extension you need is not listed in the table of available PECL extensions, you may want to instruct the platform to compile it and install it during the build phase of your deployment.

To do so, add its name in the require block of your composer.json, like so (notice the ext- prefix!):

  "require": {
    "ext-my_pecl_extension": "*",

Adding a PECL Extension That Has Dependencies

While some PECL extensions compile and install just fine out of the box, some others have precise requirements. In most cases, these requirements consist in libraries and libraries headers, which are generally available and distributed as OS packages.

The documentation of the extension should normally specify the name(s) (and sometimes the versions) of these required package(s).

To install these packages in your container, and when possible, we strongly recommend to use the APT buildpack along with the multi-buildpack.

Adding a PECL Extension With Specific Compilation Flags

Some extensions also require specific compilation flags to be set. To specify these flags, create a new environment variable named after the extension and prefixed with PHP_PECL_EXTENSION_CONFIGURE_ARGS_ (see Full Example, below). Then, put the compilation flags you want to use in this variable.

Each extension requiring specific compilation flags must have its own environment variable.

Full Example

In this example, we are going to install the PECL extension named yaml. This is a good example as it requires thelibyaml and libyaml-dev packages to be installed, and it also needs some specific compilation flags.

First, let’s tell the platform we need this extension. To do so, we will have to create a file named composer.json at the root of our project, like this:

  "require": {
    "ext-yaml": "*"

As recommended, we will use the multi-buildpack to tell the platform to:

  1. first, call the APT buildpack to install the required packages;
  2. and then, use the PHP buildpack to install PHP, Composer and the required extensions.

Let’s create a file named .buildpacks at the root of the project with the following content:

libyaml is already available in our containers so we don’t have to worry about it. But we still have to install libyaml-dev. To do so, create another file, named Aptfile, at the root of the project:


We then need to create a dedicated environment variable, named PHP_PECL_EXTENSION_CONFIGURE_ARGS_yaml and set its value to --with-yaml=$BUILD_DIR/.apt/usr. This instructs the platform to compile the extension with this flag, which tells the compile script where to find the libyaml headers.

The last step consists in committing your work and pushing it to Scalingo.

Working With Third-Party Extensions

Available Third-Party Extensions

The following table lists the third-party extensions that are available on Scalingo, along with the versions available.

Extension PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3 PHP 8.4
Datadog 1.6.2 1.6.2 1.6.2 1.6.2
New Relic
Scout APM 1.10.0 1.10.0 1.10.0 1.10.0

Enabling an Available Third-Party Extension

To enable an available third-party extension, please refer to the corresponding instructions:

Adding a Third-Party Extension

To add a third-party extension that is not available, please get in touch with our support team.

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Managing PHP Extensions

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