Deploy with GitHub and GitHub Enterprise
You can deploy your Scalingo application with a code hosted on GitHub or GitHub Enterprise. You will have to link it to a GitHub repository and branch.
Link Your App to GitHub
Using the Web Dashboard
In your account integrations settings, you find a category GitHub. Please click on it then Connect
and check you are in the right account.
Then, from the dashboard of your application, in the “Deploy → Configuration” section, choose your GitHub user or your organization and find your GitHub repository in the list or with the search bar.
In order to link your Scalingo app to a GitHub repository, GitHub will prompt for your authorization. You must accept for our GitHub integration to work.
Once your repository is linked, you’ll be able to choose the branch you want to deploy and if you want to deploy it automatically (Auto deploy) or manually (Manual deploy).
Using the CLI
You can also use the CLI to link your application to an SCM-hosted repository. You first need to link your Scalingo account with your account on the SCM tool:
- For GitHub:
$ scalingo integrations-add github
- For GitHub Enterprise:
$ scalingo integrations-add --url --token <token> github-enterprise
The token you need is a personal access token. Here is the GitHub
on how to create one. The only scope you need on Scalingo is repo
Then, add and configure a link to the SCM-hosted repository with:
$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-create --auto-deploy --branch master
A comprehensive list of available configuration flags is available with:
$ scalingo help integration-link-create
When your application is linked to the GitHub repository some deployments options are available:

With “Auto deploy” enabled, your application will be deployed every time you push to a selected branch of your repository.
You can trigger a manual deployment by going to the “Manual deploy” section and choose the branch to deploy.
These actions are also available via the CLI with:
$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-update --auto-deploy --branch master
$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-manual-deploy master
Review Apps
Review apps are special type of applications linked to a pull request. They can be created automatically every time a pull request is opened or they can be created manually by selecting the pull request to deploy among the currently opened ones (our pull request viewer will help you with this).
By default, review apps are automatically destroyed when the pull request is closed. But you can specify a duration after which the review app is destroyed.

For more information, you can read the more specific documentation pages SCM integration, Auto Deploy and Review Apps and Review Apps.
These actions are also available via the CLI with:
$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-update --deploy-review-apps --destroy-on-close
$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-manual-review-app 4
Some suggestions
You can also create a child app which is not a review app.