
The platform handles 3 types of logs:

  • Application logs: it’s everything your applications write on stdout and stderr.
  • Addon logs: it’s everything our homemade addons (typically databases) write on stdout and stderr.
  • Router logs: it contains all the connections made to your application (not enable by default).

All those logs are accessible through Scalingo CLI or through the web dashboard in the “Logs” tab:

When opening the “Logs” tab, the last 100 lines are displayed and all new lines are automatically streaming to your browser.

If you need a bit of historical logs, you should use the Scalingo CLI with:

scalingo --app my-app logs --lines <number of log lines>

Replace <number of log lines> with the amount of lines you want to display.

The Scalingo CLI also lets you fetch the addons’ logs. You first need to retrieve the addon ID (starting with ad-) then query the logs:

scalingo --app my-app addons
|   ADDON    |                   ID                    |          PLAN          |
| PostgreSQL | ad-1c48f4a8-0a38-4f75-9a40-4084b8e22743 | postgresql-starter-512 |

scalingo --app my-app logs --addon ad-1c48f4a8-0a38-4f75-9a40-4084b8e22743 --lines <number of log lines>

These live logs are called hot logs: they are the most recent logs of your application or addon. When your application logged more than 50 MiB logs, Scalingo archive them in a log archive. We call them cold logs: they are not as recent as the hot logs but can be downloaded for later analysis.

Logs Archives

When your log file grows bigger than 50 MiB, it is archived automatically. It is then available in the Logs Archive. Archived logs are no longer available with the logs command of the CLI.

On the dashboard side, logs archives are available in the “Logs” tab, under the “Archives” link:

These archives are also accessible using the CLI:

scalingo --app my-app logs-archives

You can fetch the other pages of logs archives with the --page option.

Log Drain

You may want to forward logs to third party providers for high level search and alerting capabilities. This is configurable using our Log Drain feature.

Log Retention

Scalingo is a French-based company, thus logs retention is ruled by French and Europeans laws.

As a result, all logs on Scalingo are kept for 1 year.

  • Connection Metadata logs: Archived privately
  • Application logs: (include router logs if enabled) Archived through the “Logs Archives” feature
  • Database Addon logs: Archived through the “Logs Archives” feature

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