Deploy with GitLab

You can deploy your Scalingo application with a code hosted on GitLab: either the SaaS version at or a self-hosted version. You will have to link it to a GitLab repository and branch.

You first need to link your Scalingo account with your GitLab account. This is achieved with the following command:

  • For GitLab:
$ scalingo integrations-add gitlab
  • For GitLab self-hosted:
$ scalingo integrations-add --url --token <token> gitlab-self-hosted

The token you need is a personal access token. Here is the GitLab documentation on how to create one. The scopes you need on Scalingo are api, read_user. Your user account must also have a sufficient role, maintainer or owner

Then, add and configure a link between your Scalingo application and the GitLab-hosted repository with:

$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-create --auto-deploy --branch master

A comprehensive list of available configuration flags is available with:

$ scalingo help integration-link-create


When your application is linked to the GitLab repository some deployments options are available:

With “Auto deploy” enabled, your application will be deployed every time you push to a selected branch of your repository. You can enable the “Auto deploy” on your application when creating the link or later, with the following command:

$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-update --auto-deploy --branch master

You can also trigger a manual deployment to choose a specific branch to deploy:

$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-manual-deploy master

You can get all information about your GitLab integration configuration with:

$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link

Review Apps

Review apps are special type of applications linked to a merge request. They can be created automatically every time a merge request is opened or they can be created manually by selecting the merge request to deploy among the currently opened ones.

By default, review apps are automatically destroyed when the merge request is closed. But you can specify a duration after which the review app is destroyed:

$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-update --deploy-review-apps --destroy-on-close --hours-before-destroy-on-close 3

Manually create a review app with:

$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link-manual-review-app 4

4 being the ID of the merge request.

For more information, you can read the more specific documentation pages SCM integration, Auto Deploy and Review Apps and Review Apps.

You can get all information about your GitLab integration configuration with:

$ scalingo --app my-app integration-link

Some suggestions

You can also create a child app which is not a review app.

Suggest edits

Deploy with GitLab

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