Deploy a Web-less Application


You may want to create a Scalingo application which contains no web container. This is for example the case if your application only contains workers. Or if your application is developed for pure TCP, without any HTTP layer.

By default, Scalingo expects an application to have a web container. Hence, Scalingo tries to ping your application after a deployment to declare the deployment successful. To circumvent this behaviour, you need to declare a web container in your application and scale it to 0.

This page guide you through the steps to deploy an application with no web container.

Deploy a Web-less Application

You first need to create an application, either in the web dashboard or using the CLI:

$ scalingo create my-app
App 'my-app' has been created
Git repository detected: remote scalingo added
→ 'git push scalingo master' to deploy your app

Then, manually scale the application to 0 web container using the CLI:

$ scalingo --app my-app scale web:0:M
Your application is being scaled to:
  web: 0 - M

Your application is now ready to be deployed without web container. You can confirm this by listing your application container types:

$ scalingo --app my-app ps
| web  |      0 | M    |       - |

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Deploy a Web-less Application

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