Database Maintenance Windows

Understanding Database Maintenance Windows

Database Maintenance Windows is Scalingo’s system for scheduling maintenance operations on your databases. On the customer’s side, it mainly consists in an 8 hours timespan during which database maintenance operations can be scheduled. The goal of maintenance windows is to minimize the impact of maintenance operations on your application, while facilitating continuous improvement on our side.

A default 8 hours maintenance window is automatically assigned to all newly provisioned database. This maintenance window is set to a random weekday, from 9PM to 5AM UTC.

If the given timeframe doesn’t align with your business requirements, please adjust it as needed. We strongly advise to schedule the maintenance window when your app is less prone to high traffic to minimize undesired consequences such as a possible downtime.

Viewing Database Maintenance Windows

Using the Database Dashboard

  1. From your web browser, open your database dashboard
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. In the Settings submenu, select Maintenance
  4. The current Maintenance Window is displayed in the Maintenance Window block

Using the Command Line

  1. Make sure you have correctly setup the Scalingo command line tool
  2. From the command line, run the following command to view the maintenance window settings:
    scalingo --app my-app addons-info <database_type>


    • database_type: must be either postgresql, mysql, redis, mongodb, elasticsearch or influxdb, depending on the database addon

    The output should look like this:

    | Database Type          | postgresql                   |
    | Version                | 13.11.0-1                    |
    | Status                 | running                      |
    | Plan                   | postgresql-starter-512       |
    | Force TLS              | disabled                     |
    | Internet Accessibility | disabled                     |
    | Maintenance window     | Tuesdays at 22:00 (08 hours) |

Configuring Database Maintenance Windows

Maintenance windows can be configured separately for each database addon. To configure it, you will have to pick a weekday and a start time.

Using the Database Dashboard

  1. From your web browser, open your database dashboard
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. In the Settings submenu, select Maintenance
  4. Locate the Maintenance Window block
  5. Click the Update schedule button
  6. Pick a day and a start time (timezone is UTC)
  7. Validate by clicking the Update schedule button

Using the Command Line

  1. Make sure you have correctly setup the Scalingo command line tool
  2. From the command line, run the following command to configure the maintenance window:
    scalingo --app my-app addons-config --maintenance-window-day <day> --maintenance-window-hour <hour> <database_type>


    • day: must be either monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday or sunday
    • hour: start time of the database maintenance window (timezone is the local one). Must be an integer between 0 and 23
    • database_type: must be either postgresql, mysql, redis, mongodb, elasticsearch or influxdb, depending on the database addon you are configuring

    The output should look like this:

    Addon config updated.

    To set to database maintenance window of your PostgreSQL® addon to start on Mondays at 1AM (local) while being located at UTC-5:

    scalingo --app my-app addons-config --maintenance-window-day monday --maintenance-window-hour 1 postgresql

Understanding Maintenance Operations

In Scalingo’s terminology, a maintenance operation designates a change of any size that is applied to a database. The application of this change may, but does not necessarily, have an impact on the availability of your database.

Maintenance operations encompass various automated tasks, ranging from minor database engine configurations to updates of the database engine itself, including essential security patches and migrations to updated host nodes.

Here are the different stages of a maintenance operation:

  1. Definition:
    A Scalingo operator defines a new maintenance. This object allows us to attach all the elements that are important for its smooth execution (procedure, rollback, integrity test, etc.).
  2. Selection:
    Depending on the specific criteria for each maintenance, the eligible databases are assigned to this maintenance.
  3. Scheduling:
    Every hour, our system schedules operations to be carried out 24 hours later. If this corresponds to the maintenance window for an eligible resource, you will receive a notification confirming that this operation has been scheduled. From then on, it is not be possible to change or cancel the schedule without contacting our support team.
  4. Execution:
    Notifications are sent as soon as the operation starts. It’s then important to limit any manipulation of the database.
  5. Operation completed:
    Notifications are sent once the operation has completed, meaning the nominal service has been restored and that the database is fully available again.

Listing Past and Future Maintenance Operations

Using the Database Dashboard

  1. From your web browser, open your database dashboard
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. In the Settings menu, select Maintenance
  4. The list of maintenance operations scheduled or carried out in the last 12 months is displayed in the Maintenance operations list block

Using the Command Line

  1. Make sure you have correctly setup the Scalingo command line tool
  2. From the command line, run the following command to list maintenance operations:
    scalingo --app my-app --addon <database_type> database-maintenance-list


    • database_type: must be either postgresql, mysql, redis, mongodb, elasticsearch or influxdb, depending on the database addon

    The output should look like this:

    |            ID            |       TYPE        |     STARTED AT      |      ENDED AT       | STATUS |
    | 65143fd19307d522665facc0 | db-node-migration | 2023/09/29 13:00:00 | 2023/09/29 13:00:00 | done   |
  3. From the command line, run the following command to get more details about a specific maintenance operation:
    scalingo --app my-app --addon <database_type> database-maintenance-info <maintenance_uuid>


    • database_type: must be either postgresql, mysql, redis, mongodb, elasticsearch or influxdb, depending on the database addon
    • maintenance_uuid: id of the maintenance operation

    The output should look like this:

    | ID         | 656ddbd39307d5ec79ff748b                     |
    | Type       | db-node-migration                            |
    | Started At | Next Maintenance Window: 2023/12/08 12:00:00 |
    | Ended At   |                                              |
    | Status     | scheduled                                    |

Sharing the Information With Your Team

By default, owner and collaborators receive email notifications one day before a scheduled maintenance execution. This notification system operates via the App notifications feature and the “default notifier” which is configured for each app. Please check if it is still active or configure another notifier for this purpose. It can easily be configured to suit your preferences. For instance, if you prefer webhook notifications over email, you can easily configure this setting (or create a new dedicated notifier). Additionally, you have the option to filter the list of recipients or provide a service address for individuals who need to be notified but do not have a Scalingo account.

There are three events about database maintenance:

  • database_maintenance_planned : A database maintenance has been planned.
  • database_maintenance_started: A database maintenance has started.
  • database_maintenance_completed: A database maintenance has completed.

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Database Maintenance Windows

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