Scalingo for PostgreSQL® Overview


PostgreSQL® is a free, open-source, community-managed object-relational database management system focusing on SQL compliance and extensibility. It is well-known for its performances, reliability and robustness, making it a very powerful database, able to handle small to huge workloads.

Besides the core features (ACID transactions, views, triggers, foreign keys, …) PostgreSQL® also offers solutions for more specialized usages, such as object storage with the native jsonb format, for specific dataset kinds, such as geographic datasets with the PostGIS extension, for time-series datasets with TimescaleDB or for vector similarity search thanks to the pgvector extension.

Scalingo for PostgreSQL®

Scalingo for PostgreSQL® is our official PostgreSQL® addon. We have several plans available, which you can choose of depending on your needs and budget. As always, a free plan is available for you to test our offer.


All our plans are fully managed. They allow you to enable the available extensions, and allow you to scale your database to another plan.

They also include access to metrics and logs, allowing for quick and easy monitoring and auditing. For more information regarding this topic, please see our dedicated page.

From a security point of view, they all come with a TLS connection and encryption at rest.

In addition to the above, Starter plans include daily Periodic backups, as well as 7-days Point-in-time Recovery (PiTR) backups. All backups are encrypted and stored externally. For more information regarding this topic, please see our dedicated page.

For the most demanding environments, our Business plans include a fully-managed cluster made of 2 PostgreSQL® nodes (one primary and one replica) and 2 HAProxy (one active and one standby) as entrypoint to your cluster private network. The communication between the PostgreSQL® nodes is encrypted. Choosing such a plan drastically lowers the risk of unavailability, be it during a maintenance operation (database upgrade, for example) or because of a platform issue.

Available Version

The latest and default version of PostgreSQL® available is 15.8.0-1.

Three last major versions are officially maintained: v15, v14 and v13.

Available Extensions

Name Version Description
btree_gin 1.3 support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gist 1.7 support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
citext 1.6 data type for case-insensitive character strings
cube 1.5 data type for multidimensional cubes
dblink 1.2 connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
dict_int 1.0 text search dictionary template for integers
earthdistance 1.1 calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
fuzzystrmatch 1.1 determine similarities and distance between strings
hstore 1.8 data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
intarray 1.5 functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
isn 1.2 data types for international product numbering standards
ltree 1.2 data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
pg_repack 1.5.0 Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_stat_statements 1.10 track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_trgm 1.6 text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
pgcrypto 1.3 cryptographic functions
pgrowlocks 1.2 show row-level locking information
postgis 3.4.2 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
postgis_raster 3.4.2 PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal 3.4.2 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.4.2 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology 3.4.2 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgres_fdw 1.1 foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
tablefunc 1.0 functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
timescaledb 2.14.2 Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Apache 2 Edition)
unaccent 1.1 text search dictionary that removes accents
uuid-ossp 1.1 generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
vector 0.7.4 vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods


Billing of your PostgreSQL® addon is done on a minute basis.

If your database disk usage exceeds the threshold set on your plan, the over-quota is billed per GB-hour (see our FAQ for further details).

The prices are detailed on our dedicated page.

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Scalingo for PostgreSQL® Overview

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