
The Python language is officially supported on the platform.


To ensure our deployment system considers your application as a Python application, a file Pipfile, requirements.txt or should be present at the root of your project, defining the dependencies of your app.

Python Versions


The following versions of Python are available:

Python Version scalingo-20 scalingo-22
3.12 up to 3.12.3 up to 3.12.3
3.11 up to 3.11.9 up to 3.11.9
3.10 up to 3.10.14 up to 3.10.14
3.9 up to 3.9.19 up to 3.9.19
3.8 up to 3.8.19 unsupported

Selecting a Version

The default Python version on both scalingo-20 and scalingo-22 is the latest 3.12 version. You can, however, instruct the platform to use another version.

Using pipenv

The preferred way to manage dependencies and python version is by using the pipenv tool. When creating a project with pipenv, the Python version is frozen in the Pipfile file, i.e.:

python_version = "3.10"

The deployment system will use this information to install the last available version respecting this constraint. In the previous example Python 3.10.13 would be installed.

The python_version field only accepts minor versions of Python like 3.10 or 3.9. If the project needs to use a specific Python patch (i.e.: 3.10.1) the Pipfile should contain a python_full_version field, e.g.:

python_full_version = "3.10.1"

Using runtime.txt

You can specify the runtime version in the runtime.txt file at the root of your repository.

Example of runtime.txt which would install Python 3.9.16:



When the project is using pipenv and contains a Pipfile and a Pipfile.lock files, the following command is used to install dependencies:

pipenv install

Legacy: requirements.txt

If a requirements.txt file is present in your application, the dependencies will be installed respecting this file with:

pip install -r requirements.txt


We handle most of the common frameworks. Obviously, Django is among them. You need to configure your application to bind the port defined by the environment variable $PORT.

Specific Python Buildpack Hooks

You may want to trigger custom actions after a successful deployment. The postdeploy hook is exactly what you need. But your application may require some actions to be executed during the deployment.

The Python buildpack can execute two hooks: before and after the installation of Python and its dependencies. They must be located in the bin root folder of your application and be named pre_compile and post_compile.


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