Command Line Interface (CLI)

Install Scalingo CLI

We provide a command line interface (CLI) tool to interact with the platform. This page describes how to install Scalingo CLI tool.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • FreeBSD
  • openbsd OpenBSD

For each of these operating systems, you can download a precompiled binary.

Scalingo does not require any external dependency. The precompiled binary works out of the box.


Linux & MacOS

You need to download the binary and put it in your PATH. The easiest way is to copy/paste the command below in your terminal and execute it.

curl -O && bash install


We highly recommend to use git-bash to have an all-in-one deployment environment.

Then, you need to download Scalingo command-line tool:

Place the scalingo.exe file in the path you want, e.g. “C:/Program Files”.

From git-bash add this path to your PATH environment variable:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files/

Now you should be able to run scalingo.exe from git-bash.

Note that you set PATH for this specific git-bash instance and that you should add the command line above to a .bashrc file at the root of your HOME:

$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files/" >> $HOME/.bashrc

Now scalingo.exe will be available from git-bash for your next sessions.

Command Completion


  • Make sure bash completion is installed. If you use a current Linux in a non-minimal installation, bash completion should be available. On macOS, install with brew install bash-completion

  • Get bash completion script in the directory:
    • Linux users /etc/bash_completion.d/:
      sudo curl "" -o /etc/bash_completion.d/
    • macOS users /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/:
      sudo curl "" -o /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/
  • Reload your shell in order to make the completion available:

    exec bash -l


  • Create a directory ~/.zsh/completion/ :

    mkdir -p ~/.zsh/completion
  • Get Zsh completion script in the directory ~/.zsh/completion/ :

    curl "" > ~/.zsh/completion/scalingo_complete.zsh
  • Make sure the completion script will be loaded, by adding to the following line to your ~/.zshrc :

    source ~/.zsh/completion/scalingo_complete.zsh
  • Reload your shell:

    exec zsh -l

Network Requirements

Scalingo CLI communicates with a few servers on Scalingo. You may be in an environment, behind a proxy, and need to whitelist the hostname and ports it communicates with. Here is the list. Each item is <HOSTNAME>:<PORT>. HOSTNAME contains the <REGION NAME> placeholder. It must be replaced with the Scalingo region you need to communicate with (e.g. osc-fr1).

  • api.<REGION NAME>
  • ssh.<REGION NAME>
  • one-off.<REGION NAME>

The port 443 will receive HTTPS stream. The port 22 is for SSH. And the port 5000 will receive pure TCP stream. It is used for one-off containers.


Linux & MacOS

To uninstall our CLI binary you can run this command:

sudo rm $(which scalingo)

Then you can delete the configuration and cache folders.

rm -r ~/.config/scalingo/
rm -r ~/.cache/scalingo/



To uninstall our CLI:

  1. Press WIN key
  2. Write cmd
  3. Right click on Command Prompt
  4. Click Execute as Administrator

A command prompt pops out, then execute:

# Delete executable
for /F "usebackq delims=" %A in (`where scalingo`) do del "%A"

# Delete config
cd %userprofile%\.config
rd /s /q scalingo

# Delete cache
cd %userprofile%\.cache
rd /s /q scalingo


If you used git-bash to install our CLI, you can run this command:

rm $(which scalingo)

Then you can delete the configuration and cache folders.

rm -r ~/.config/scalingo/
rm -r ~/.cache/scalingo/

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Command Line Interface (CLI)

©2025 Scalingo